Week 2 YTT update – written by student Emily

Time here is flying by but also so potent with teachings and experiences it feels like a lifetime. 

This week, we all took turns in the morning yoga classes at teaching a few asanas to kick start our teaching confidence. I adore that it’s only week two and we are thrown in the deep end, working through our fears and applying all the knowledge we’ve already learned in to a real, public class. This can be terrifying, yes. But with the support of our close-knit group and the nurturing feedback of our amazing instructors Lila and Malcom, we all nailed the challenge and held sacred space for our students while guiding them through gentle poses. 

I felt confident in practicing the asanas, but standing at the front of the room telling others how to do it is a whole different skill – one that takes a lot of practice, patience and a positive attitude to keep improving. I felt home up there, at 5am, between the candles and the relaxing mantra music, smiling at each sleepy face that got out of bed for this special time of easing in to the day. Voice a little shaky, all in all I feel I brought my hearts desire to the surface and lived out a true moment of being a yoga teacher.

We are all still finding our groove here – the faces of the retreat guests and volunteers here at the Krishna Village that become familiar are leaving to continue their adventures while new personalities arrive. It’s a constant energy exchange, but a thrilling adventure. 


We YTT’s are growing closer each day, assisting each other through the little hardships that arise and celebrating side by side in gratitude when we get to the other side. Our bodies are slowly adjusting to the physical workload of all-day yoga sessions and I think we will be sharing a few deluxe savasana’s this week to ease the growing pains. The incredible connections we are creating with one another are dreams come true for me. Come for the yoga, stay for the friendships, the lifestyle and the kofta balls!


Life is bold and beautiful here, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

About the Author KV

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