Lies’ journey from volunteer to yoga teacher trainee

I remember the day I heard about the Krishna Village like yesterday. I was in New Zealand on a Working Holiday and I stumbled upon a beautiful, eco-friendly relaxation retreat and guesthouse. Located on a private beach, Shambhala, in sunny Golden Bay within the Abel Tasman National Park (if you have a chance to go, please do!).

There, I met my lovely soul sister, Amy Rogg, a fellow yogini & retreat guest. Whilst I remained at Shambhala, Amy travelled on to Australia: Eungella in northern NSW. She mentioned it was a place called Krishna Village, a yogic community situated in the Mount Warning valley upon a thousand acre, organic farm. A few days later, I received an enthusiastic and heartfelt message from Amy:  “My LIES!!!! It’s amazing. You have to come here! The community is amazing! So much energy moving in my body… so much healing happening. Krishna will change your world.”

I am such a planner, but one of the life lessons I have learnt whilst I am traveling (well to be fair I am still learning) is to go with the flow. The universe is holding us. There is nothing to plan. All we ever have is the present moment. The now, the power of now. So the answer was there straight away. After having spent a year in New Zealand (side note: the most beautiful country in the world), my path led me to Krishna Village. I left New Zealand with mixed feelings, but I knew the next chapter would have something special in stall. The gratitude I feel for Amy will forever be in my heart.

Now, after having spent nearly 4 months on the Krishna Farm, without a doubt, I know that it is one of the best things that has ever happened to me – and this is the status before I have even begun my Yoga Teacher Training (YTT).

 Lies (left) and Amy (right) at the beach in New Zealand
Lies (left) and Amy (right) at the beach in New Zealand

The community  

One of the highlights so far are the incredibly beautiful, spiritual people I have met from all over the world. After Krishna Village got hit by the worst flood in decades, as ex-tropical cyclone Debbie collided with a cold front, I realised how special and deep the bonds in this community are. Everyone was there for each other. The Kirtan (a communal mantra singing meditation), during that specific night was magical. Even then, in all the rain and worry, nothing could stop us from singing and dancing through the night.

The main purpose of Krishna Village is bliss – in Sanskrit we call it Ananda. Bliss lies within the soul and has nothing to do with material happiness. We receive this beautiful gift as we learn to get rid of material attachment and acknowledge that happiness comes and goes in waves. We can be happy after buying a brand new car but if the car crashes, the happy feeling will be gone. True contentment is found within, whilst seeking enjoyment from outside sources and expecting lasting happiness will lead to continual disappointment.

Besides the lovely community, it is an absolute honour to live on this stunning piece of land with all the beautiful surroundings of nature. Mount Warning is looking after us.

 Our backyard with Mount Warning
Our backyard with Mount Warning

Intuitive Balinese Massage Course

After two months, I signed up for the Intuitive Balinese Massage Course with Dee and Karen. It was, simply put, intense. A journey inwards, about letting go and unconditional love. What a wonderful experience – life changing! To be part of someone else’s healing process is such a gift. Every day I wake up filled with gratitude, knowing that I’ll be giving a massage to a beautiful soul.

Dee and Karen taught us all the required deep tissue massage techniques and helped us access our innate ability to intuitively give our clients what they need on an energetic level. To find out more, have a look at the course details – I can highly recommend it!

With pride, I may share that I am now a certified massage practitioner at the Krishna Village. Thanks to all the practitioners from the course, the facilitators Dee and Karen, and Karunika and Henrike who made this happen for and with me.

The art of letting go

The “Art of Letting Go” workshop by the Krishna Village philosophy teacher Michael was another special highlight of my stay so far on the farm. I can strongly recommend this workshop to any human being on this planet. If you are ready to let go of the past, forgive yourself and receive some inner peace and healing, this is the workshop for you. Honestly, I felt drained afterwards for two days and then there came that moment of relief. I can’t even describe it in words, I felt light and ready for the present moment, without feeling any guilt about the past. When you hold on to your history, you do it to the expense of your destiny.

 The web of life
The web of life

Counting down the days

Today is the day that I begin counting down the days until the next step of my journey begins – becoming a yoga teacher. I have been watching two entire YTT groups from the sideline over the last months. Thank you to all the trainees for sharing your knowledge and inspiration!!

I finally feel ready for my own spiritual journey. Well, can you ever be ready? I know it is going to be intense. All we can do is to give in and let go of our fear. So that is what I am going to do. I am so scared of public speaking, but sometimes we just have to push through in life. Thank you for being here fear – you are my indicator that I am doing what I need to do!! So I am going to do the work, breathe and co-teach my first yoga class ever. I can’t wait to meet my fellow yogi friends on Monday, 10 July. The day it all begins. Let the journey within commence…

 Another beautiful sunset at the farm
Another beautiful sunset at the farm

I offer my respectful gratitude to the teachers, and the teachers of the teachers, who have opened my eyes with the torchlight of knowledge. May I forever live in their shelter. Namaste.

About the Author LiesOkkerse

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