Live, love and rest …

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done at all: One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow. So today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live. That’s one of the main reasons I decided to sign up for the Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) a few months ago.


My alarm goes off at 4.30am. A brand new day at the Krishna Village – time to get ready for the 5am yoga class. Once you’ve managed to get into the rhythm, it’s really the best way to start the day…

The first two weeks of the teacher training have flown by quickly. I feel so blessed, waking up every single day, knowing that I will deepen my yoga practice and grow as a spiritual warrior. I feel grounded – the transformation I am going through is intense.

A major life lesson I have learned so far during the YTT is to surrender. The truth is that the universe will always take care of us. All we need to do is find balance and a sense of fullness in life. Go. Find our path and follow it, move onwards, upwards, ever closer to the place for which we are destined.

Jump on the mat

Last week’s Saturday (8 days ago) was our first day off. Up until that point, I had attended two yoga classes per day for five days in a row. Attending 10 yoga classes in 5 days is definitely my record.

So what to do on a day off as a yogi? Lauren, one of my beautiful yogi friends, and I ended up going to Creature Yoga, a yoga studio in beautiful Byron Bay with daily Vinyasa and Yin/Restorative classes. I was genuinely blown away by the teacher Bess. She guided us through a strong Vinyasa flow class – a dynamic yoga practice linking breath and movement. And when I say strong, I mean strong. Very authentic and incredibly inspiring.

To be honest, I couldn’t hold a single pose that day, except of Balasana (child pose) and Tadasana (mountain pose). It was embarrassing, but I learned a big lesson that day: listen to your body! So I did. I rested in Balasana for at least 20 minutes and felt relieved after the class. Maybe it’s time to take it easier for a few days…

 Nature is the answer...
Nature is the answer…

Recharging the batteries

Michael, one of our yoga facilitators, often mentions in class: “When it feels good, it’s good. When you feel pain, it’s not. It’s that simple. Listen to your body.” So this weekend I decided to enjoy a Saturday without any asanas (postures). Rest is the key to recharge my spiritual and physical batteries for another week of training.

Another way to reset is to connect with Mother Earth. And whilst it wasn’t exactly restful, our seva (selfless service) day last Friday was just what we needed. Giving without expectations to receive – a simple but powerful lesson in yogic living.

 Seva day with the yoga teacher trainees
Seva day with the yoga teacher trainees

Another wonderful, practical exercise in yoga ethics we had last week was a swim in the ocean! In just one dip we managed to cleanse our body (tapas), mind (svadhyaya) and soul (isvara pranidhana) – three of the five niyamas covered in one go! ‘Niyamas’ – virtuous habits, behaviours and observances – are part of the Ashtanga Yoga System, a thinking model that explains different stages of personal growth. Research further if you are intrigued: Books like the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras hold a wealth of knowledge that’s worthwhile exploring.


After spending a weekend day off the farm, I’m always grateful to come back to the Krishna Village, my home away from home. I know I’m repeating myself, but the peacefulness and healing energy this magical place has is mind-blowing. Interesting word, mind-blowing – if you think about it, given that we are trying to detach from the mind here… The king of all Yoga Sutras is Sutra 1.2: yogash chitta vritti nirodhah which means “Yoga restrains the turnings of the mind”. That doesn’t mean that the mind should be “turned off”, but that, instead, it should be controlled in such a way as to “turn off” its mundane aspect and direct it towards spiritual goals and uses. Making the mind our best friend. That might be a long term goal, but I guess it’s a worthwhile endeavour.

Until next week – Namaste

 A peaceful and quiet morning at the Krishna Village
A peaceful and quiet morning at the Krishna Village
About the Author LiesOkkerse

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