Week Six YTT Diary

It’s fair to say that nearly all of the YTT’s have had an ‘Oh My Govinda’ moment this week as the assessments that seemed like a lifetime away seven weeks ago are suddenly here and happening. Anxiety has been up (lucky we learned all of those calming pranayama breathing exercises) and heads have been down as yoga sequences are refined and practiced, Sanskrit is memorised and benefits and contraindications are noted for every pose.

Colds and coughs have popped up at the most inconvenient moments and there have been a few tears and chocolate first aid kits broken out amongst the YTT family. Running alongside the performance anxiety is the growing joy that we’ve got this.

All the classes and knowledge we’ve crammed into our heads is coming together and like magic yoga is becoming union, the body, mind and breath, the yamas and niyamas, the mediation and nutrition is coalescing.

We are being yogi, living yogi and that means that as we teach the poses we teach from a place of authentic practice. We do this and it changes our whole selves – so when we teach you to do it, we can genuinely express the joy at using the ancient and still amazing science of yoga to bring us closer to ourselves and the divine in all of us.

This feeling of being yoga infuses gently into you, it can’t be rushed or crammed in, it needs to age and develop and get all kind of cellular. And at the end of week six, with only a few days to left in this magic period of our lives, it all makes perfect sense.

It's the final YTT yoga diaries next week, as the nine of us have to renter the world as yogi's for hire, and say goodbye to our friends, teachers and tribe. Bring your hankies – you’ll need them!

About the Author KV

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